Radio 2RPH Co-operative Limited

Renew your Membership or become a Member today!

With your support, we can continue to carve out a strong future for Radio 2RPH.

Annual membership to the station is $33 for general membership, $16.50 for concession holders and $110 for corporations.

Co-operatives are democratic organisations that are owned and controlled by their members. They are traditionally based on values of self-help, responsibility, and equality.

Co-operatives differ from public companies because voting rights are based on membership (i.e. one member, one vote) rather than on shareholding.

Radio 2RPH Co-operative Limited (trading name Radio 2RPH) is a “non-distributing co-operative” meaning we are not required to have share capital and must not distribute surplus funds to members. As a member of the co-operative, no one is under any personal liability to a creditor of the co-operative.

Members not only support community radio but play a vital role in the future of the station by sharing their views at the Annual General Meeting (AGM) held in November.

According to Radio 2RPH rules only active members (aged 18 or over) are eligible to vote at the AGM and to stand for the Board. Click here for the latest financial statements.

Further facts:

When you join Radio 2RPH you become a member of a co-operative registered in New South Wales under the Co-operatives National Law, and certified by NSW Fair Trading (Registration number: NSWC00753).

Radio 2RPH Co-operative Limited is our new name, as registered by NSW Fair Trading along with revised rules, on 17 February 2023. We were first registered way back in September 1979 as Radio for the Print-Handicapped of New South Wales Co-operative Limited.

2RPH Membership

Radio 2RPH, your radio reading service, supports everyone’s right to access a huge range of informative and enjoyable publications.

A receipt for your annual membership fees will be emailed to you.

$8,360 raised$3,000 goal